Philippine Computing Journal <div class="sites-layout-tile sites-tile-name-header"> <div dir="ltr"> <div> <div>PHILIPPINE COMPUTING&nbsp;JOURNAL&nbsp;</div> </div> <div>An Official Publication of the Computing Society of the Philippines, Inc.&nbsp;</div> <div>ISSN 1908-1995</div> </div> </div> <div class="sites-layout-tile sites-tile-name-content-1"> <div dir="ltr"><br><span style="color: #000000;"><br><span style="font-size: small;">The&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-size: small;"><strong><a href="">Philippine Computing Journal</a></strong><span style="color: #000000;"><strong>&nbsp;(PCJ)</strong>, the official journal of the&nbsp;</span><strong><a href="">Computing Society of the Philippines</a></strong><span style="color: #000000;">&nbsp;<strong>(CSP)</strong>, Inc. appears twice yearly and publishes original peer-reviewed papers on computing (including computer science, computational science and engineering, information and communication technology, computer science education, and allied disciplines).</span></span></div> <div dir="ltr"><span style="color: #000000;"><br>PCJ publishes regular and/or dedicated issue. Regular issue consists of papers submitted to the editors anytime. PCJ has an open call for papers. A dedicated issue means an issue whose articles are invited papers from a national/international conference organized by a professional organization or any of the special interest groups (SIG's) of the CSP.&nbsp;</span></div> </div> Computing Society of the Philippines en-US Philippine Computing Journal 1908-1995