Founded in 2005, the Philippine Computing Journal is published by the Computing Society of the Philippines (CSP), Inc.
It appears twice yearly and publishes original peer-reviewed papers on computing (including computer science, computational science and engineering, information and communication technology, computer science education, and allied disciplines).

Full Issue
- An Implementation of a Backtracking Algorithm for the Turnpike Problem in Membranes pp. 1-11
- An algorithm for solving the open gallery problem pp. 12-17
- License Plate Localization for Difficult Cases pp. 18-25
- On the Network Properties of Generalized HyperCubes pp. 26-30
- Preferential Attachment in an Internet-mediated Human Network pp. 31-35
- Longest Common Sequence (LCS) Retrieval in Linear Space and Single-Pass Quadratic Time for Some Special Cases of Input pp. 36-40