Founded in 2005, the Philippine Computing Journal is published by the Computing Society of the Philippines (CSP), Inc. It appears twice yearly and publishes original peer-reviewed papers on computing (including computer science, computational science and engineering, information and communication technology, computer science education, and allied disciplines).
Full Issue
- Computing in the University of the Philippines: A Tribute to Professor Emeritus Evangel Quiwa pp. 1-3
- Solving the Subset Sum Problem Using Distributed Tissue-like P Systems with Cell Division pp. 4-11
- Predicting the Biological Classification of Cell-Cycle Regulated Genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using Community Detection Algorithms on Gene Coexpression Networks pp. 12-22
- Facility Location Models and School Mapping: A Proposal for the Philippines pp. 23-29
- Some Notes on Integration Preconditioning with Pseudospectral Integration Matrices pp. 30-37