Founded in 2005, the Philippine Computing Journal is published by the Computing Society of the Philippines (CSP), Inc.
It appears twice yearly and publishes original peer-reviewed papers on computing (including computer science, computational science and engineering, information and communication technology, computer science education, and allied disciplines).

Full Issue
- Structural Properties of Hard Problem Instances pp. 1-8
- Scalar Transport in an Oscillatory Velocity Field Evolving Under Boundary Noise pp. 9-16
- Communication Complexity of dP Automata Accepting {(ac)s(bd)s | s > 0} pp. 17-26
- Factoring a stabilizer subgroup in a symmetry group pp. 27-33
- Communication Complexity of EC P Systems with Energy and Seviall Carpet pp. 34-40
- A Nomenclature Scheme for Permutations of the Set of Natural Numbers pp. 41-47
- Formal Specification of Electronic Ballot Transmission Protocols in the Applied Pi-Calculus pp. 48-57
- Multi-Touch Haptic Gesture Recognition from Examples pp. 58-63
- Determining the Precursors of Boredom pp. 64-69
- Verifying Privacy-Type Properties of an Electronic Voting Protocol that uses Identity Based Cryptography pp. 70-81
- Design and Implementation of Academic Networking in an Integrated Personal Learning Environment and Electronic Portfolio Assessment Management System pp. 82-88